Κ. Α. Γεωργίου:
Ανάπτυξη νέων αυτοματοποιημένων φασματοφωτομετρικών μεθόδων αναλύσεως με την τεχνική εισαγωγής δείγματος σε ροή και εφαρμογές στη φαρμακευτική ανάλυση. (1990)
K. A. Georgiou:
Development of new automated spectrophotometric methods of analysis using the flow injection technique and applications in pharmaceutical analysis. (1990)
Ν. Ε. Ζούλη:
Μελέτη της προσυγκεντρώσεως οργανικών ενώσεων σε ηλεκτρόδιο γραφιτικής πάστας για βολταμμετρικό προσδιορισμό ιχνοποσοτήτων τους. (1990)
N. E. Zoulis:
Study on the preconcentration of organic compounds at a carbon paste electrode for their voltammetric determination in trace amounts. (1990)
Σ. Α. Χαλβατζής:
Αναλυτικές εφαρμογές Ν-βρωμοσουκινιμιδίου. (1992)
S. A. Halvatzis:
Analytical applications of N-bromosuccinimide. (1992)
Α. Μ. Γεράκης:
Μελέτη μικυλλιακών συστημάτων με εκλεκτικά ηλεκτρόδια ιόντων και αναλυτικές εφαρμογές σε ποτενσιομετρικές τεχνικές. (1994)
A. M. Gerakis:
Study of micellar systems using ion selective electrodes and analytical applications. (1994)
M. Ε. Γεωργίου:
Μελέτες συνδέσεως μικρομορίων – μακρομορίων με την τεχνική εισαγωγής δείγματος σε ροή. (1995)
M. E. Georgiou:
Binding studies of micromolecules with macromolecules using the flow injection technique. (1995)
N. E. Zoulis, D. P. Nikolelis, C. E. Efstathiou:
Pre-concentration of indolic compounds at a carbon-paste electrode and indirect determination of L-tryptophan in serum by adsorptive stripping analysis.
Analyst, 115, 291 (1990)
D. P. Nikolelis, U. J. Krull:
Dynamic response characteristics of the potentiometric carbon dioxide sensor for the determination of aspartame.
Analyst, 115, 883 (1990)
C. A. Georgiou, M. A. Koupparis:
Automated flow injection spectrophotometric determination of para- and meta-substituted phenols of pharmaceutical interest based on their oxidative condensation with 1-nitroso-2-naphthol.
Analyst, 115, 309 (1990)
P. E. Macheras, M. A. Koupparis, S. G. Antimisiaris:
Drug binding and solubility in milk.
Pharmaceutical Research, 7, 537 (1990)
K. G. Sarantinou, I. I. Christofidis, M. A. Koupparis:
Enzyme immunoassay for total triiodothyronine in human serum.
Clinical Chemistry and Enzymology Communications, 3, 237 (1990)
G. N. Valsami, P. E. Macheras, M. A. Koupparis:
Binding studies of ions with cyclodextrins using ion-selective electrodes.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 79, 1087 (1990)
J. G. Dikaiakos, C. G. Tsitouras, P. A. Siskos, D. A. Melissos, P. Nastos:
Rain composition in Athens, Greece.
Atmospheric Environment, 24B(1), 171 (1990)
I. G. Viras, K. Athanassiou, P. A. Siskos:
Determination of mutagenic activity and benzo-a-pyrene concentration in Athens atmosphere.
Atmospheric Environment, 24B(2), 267 (1990)
G. E. Miliadis, P. A. Siskos, G. S. Vassilikiotis:
Simplified cleanup and liquid chromatographic ultraviolet determination of linuron and three metabolites in potatoes.
Journal of Association Off. Anal.Chem., 73(3), 435 (1990)
N. Grekas, A. C. Calokerinos:
Continuous flow molecular emission cavity analysis of cephalosporins by alkaline degradation to sulphide.
Analyst, 115, 613 (1990)
N. Grekas, A. C. Calokerinos:
Determination of thiamine by continuous flow chemiluminescence measurement.
Talanta, 37, 1043 (1990)
I. I. Koukli, A. C. Calokerinos:
Determination of quinine and quinidine by continuous-flow chemiluminescence.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 236, 463 (1990)
S. A. Halvatzis, M. M. Timotheou-Potamia, A. C. Calokerinos:
Continuous-flow chemiluminescence determination of isoniazid by oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide.
Analyst, 115, 1229 (1990)
I. I. Koukli, E. G. Sarantonis, A. C. Calokerinos:
Effect of sensitizers on the chemiluminescent reduction of cerium(IV) by sulphite.
Analytical Letters, 23, 1167 (1990)
I. I. Koukli, A. C. Calokerinos:
Continuous-flow chemiluminescence determination of some corticosteroids.
Analyst, 115, 1553 (1990)
A. B. Syropoulos, E. G. Sarantonis, A. C. Calokerinos:
Flow-injection chemiluminometric analysis of some steroids by their sensitizing effect on the bromate-sulphite reaction.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 239, 195 (1990)
U. J. Krull, D. P. Nikolelis, J. D. Brennan, R. S. Brown, M. Thompson, V. Ghaemmaghami, K. M. Kallury:
Control of ion transport through lipid membranes.
Analytical Proceedings, 28, 370 (1991)
D. P. Nikolelis, J. D. Brennan, R. S. Brown, G. McGibbon, U. J. Krull:
Ion permeability through bilayer lipid membranes for biosensor development: Control by chemical modification of interfacial regions between phase domains.
Analyst, 116, 1221 (1991)
D. G. Konstantianos, P. C. Ioannou, C. E. Efstathiou:
Simultaneous determination of acetylsalicylic and salicylic acids in human serum and aspirin formulations by second-derivative synchronous fluorescence spectrometry
Analyst, 116, 373 (1991)
J. G. Pentari, C. E. Efstathiou, T. P. Hadjiioannou:
Kinetic determination of EDTA and citrate by the displacement of fluoride from Al3+-F complexes and use of a fluoride ion-selective electrode.
Talanta, 38, 295 (1991)
J. G. Pentari, C. E. Efstathiou, M. A. Koupparis:
Kinetic determination of carbocysteine in syrup based on its reaction with 1 fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene monitored with a fluoride-selective electrode.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 77, 41 (1991)
C. A. Georgiou, M. A. Koupparis:
Construction and evaluation of an automated flow injection – stopped flow analyser for multipoint reaction rate spectrophotometric methods. Determination of ammonia nitrogen, creatinine and phosphate.
Journal of Automatic Chemistry, 13(5), 199 (1991)
C. A. Georgiou, M. A. Koupparis, T. P. Hadjiioannou:
Flow injection-stopped flow kinetic spectrophotometric determination of drugs based on the micellar-catalysed reaction with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene.
Talanta, 38, 689 (1991)
J. Apostolakis, C. A. Georgiou, M. A. Koupparis:
Use of ion-selective electrodes in kinetic flow-injection analysis: Determination of phenolic and hydrazino-drugs with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene using a fluoride-selective electrode.
Analyst, 116, 233 (1991)
G. N. Valsami, P. E. Macheras, M. A. Koupparis:
Binding study of the fluorescence probe 1-anilino-8-naphtalenesulfonate to human plasma and human and bovine serum albumin using potentiometric titration.
Pharmaceutical Research, 8, 888 (1991)
L. G. Viras, P. A. Siskos, C. Samara, Th. Kouimtzis, K. Athanassiou, A. Vavatzanidis:
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and mutagens in ambient air particles sampled in Thessaloniki – Greece.
Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 10, 999 (1991)
A. B. Syropoulos, A. C. Calokerinos:
Continuous flow chemiluminometric determination of some tetracyclines.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 255, 403 (1991)
E. G. Cookeas, C. E. Efstathiou:
Pre-concentration of organic compounds at a diphenylether-graphite paste electrode and determination of vanillin by adsorptive/extractive stripping voltammetry.
Analyst, 117, 1329 (1992)
C. K. Polydorou, C. E. Efstathiou:
A microcomputer controlled system for potentiometric stripping analysis.
Analytical Instrumentation, 20(4), 265 (1992)
C. E. Efstathiou:
Stochastic calculation of critical Q-test values for the detection of outliers in measurements.
Journal of Chemical Education, 69, 733 (1992)
D. P. Nikolelis, J. D. Brennan, R. S. Brown, U. J. Krull:
Control of ion transport across bilayer lipid membranes by adjustment of surface charge associated with phase domain structures.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 257, 49 (1992)
D. P. Nikolelis, U. J. Krull:
Establishment and control of artificial ion-conductive zones for lipid membrane biosensor development.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 257, 239 (1992)
D. P. Nikolelis, U. J. Krull:
Reliable and facile method for preparation of solventless bilayer lipid membranes for electroanalytical investigations.
Talanta, 39, 1045 (1992)
U. J. Krull, J. Brennan, D. P. Nikolelis:
Mechanistic aspects of signal generation from electrochemical biosensors based on lipid films.
Analytical Proceedings, 29, 346 (1992)
G. N. Valsami, M. A. Koupparis, P. E. Macheras:
Complexation studies of cyclodextrins with tricyclic antidepressants using ion selective electrodes.
Pharmaceutical Research, 9, 94 (1992)
E. E. Sideris, G. N. Valsami, M. A. Koupparis, P. E. Macheras:
Determination of association constants in cyclodextrin / drug complexation using the Scatchard plot: Application to β-cyclodextrin – anilinonaphthalenesulfonates.
Pharmaceutical Research, 9, 1568 (1992)
M. Koupparis, P. Anagnostopoulou, C. Georgiou, T. Hadjiioannou:
Automation of the batch method for reaction kinetic studies using flow injection analysis. Kinetic study of hydrolysis of N4-acetylsulfanilamide, acetylsalicylic acid and phenyl phosphate.
Analytical Letters, 25, 2305 (1992)
D. G. Konstantianos, P. C. Ioannou:
Simultaneous determination of acetylsalicylic acid and its major metabolites in human serum by second-derivative synchronous fluorescence spectrometry.
Analyst, 117, 877 (1992)
D. P. Nikolelis, M. G. Tzanelis, U. J. Krull:
Electrochemical transduction of the acetylcholine – acetylcholinesterase reaction by bilayer lipid membranes.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 281, 569 (1993)
A. Roditaki, D. P. Nikolelis, D. S. Papastathopoulos:
Studies on operational and dynamic response characteristics of the potentiometric carbon dioxide gas-sensing probe by using a Teflon membrane.
Analytical Letters, 26(3), 393 (1993)
C. E. Efstathiou:
A test for the simultaneous detection of two outliers among extreme values of small data sets.
Analytical Letters, 26(2), 379 (1993)
A. M. Gerakis, M. A. Koupparis, C. E. Efstathiou:
Micellar acid-base potentiometric titrations of weak acidic and/or insoluble drugs
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 11, 33 (1993)
N. T. Deftereos, A. C. Calokerinos, C. E. Efstathiou:
Flow injection chemiluminometric determination of epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and L-dopa.
Analyst, 118, 627 (1993)
S. A. Halvatzis, M. M. Timotheou-Potamia, C. E. Efstathiou:
Kinetic study of N-bromosuccinimide reactions and kinetic determination of pyridoxine using a bromide-selective electrode.
Talanta, 40, 1213 (1993)
L. G. Viras, P. A. Siskos:
Spatial and time variation and effect of some meteorological parameters in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Athens Greece.
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 3, 89 (1993)
A. Angelakou, G. Valsami, M. Koupparis, P. Macheras:
Use of 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate as an ion probe for the potentiometric study of binding of sulfonamides to bovine serum albumin and plasma.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 45, 434 (1993)
S. Piperaki, M. Parissi-Poulou, M. Koupparis:
A separation study of tricyclic antidepressant drugs by HPLC With β-cyclodextrin bonded stationary phase.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography, 16, 3487 (1993)
A. M. Gerakis, M. A. Koupparis:
Kinetic study and snalytical spplications of the micellar catalyzed reactions of 1 fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene with thiols using a fluoride selective electrode.
Analyst, 118, 1001 (1993)
I. M. Psarellis, E. G. Sarantonis, A. C. Calokerinos:
Flow injection chemiluminometric determination of sodium cyclamate.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 272, 265 (1993)
S. A. Halvatzis, M. M. Timotheou-Potamia, A. C. Calokerinos:
Continuous flow chemiluminometric determination of tetracyclines in pharmaceutical preparations and honey by oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide.
Analyst, 118, 633 (1993)
S. A. Halvatzis, M. M. Timotheou-Potamia:
Continuous flow chemiluminometric determination of ammonium ion in fertilizers
Talanta, 40, 1245 (1993)
S. A. Halvatzis, M. M. Timotheou-Potamia, T. P. Hadjiioannou:
Continuous flow chemiluminometric determination of dihydralazine, rifampicin and rifamycin SV by oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 272, 251 (1993)
L. G. Viras, P. A. Siskos:
Spatial and time variation and effect of some meteorological parameters in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Athens, Greece.
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 3, 89 (1993)
E. C. Cookeas, C. E. Efstathiou:
Flow injection amperometric determination of thiocyanate and selenocyanate at a cobalt phthalocyanine modified carbon paste electrode.
Analyst, 119, 1607 (1994)
D. P. Nikolelis, U. J. Krull:
Direct electrochemical sensing of insecticides by bilayer lipid membranes.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 288, 187 (1994)
C. A. Georgiou, G. N. Valsami, P. E. Macheras, M. A. Koupparis:
Automated flow-injection technique for use in dissolution studies of sustained-release formulations: Application to iron(II) formulations.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 12, 635 (1994)
E. E. Sideris, M. A. Koupparis, P. E. Macheras:
Effect of cyclodextrins on protein binding of drugs: The diflunisal / hydroxylpropyl-β-cyclodextrin model case.
Pharmaceutical Research, 11, 90 (1994)
A. M. Gerakis, M. A. Koupparis:
Physicochemical studies of the cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide micellar system using ion selective electrode.
Talanta, 41(5), 765 (1994)
E. E. Sideris, C. A. Georgiou, M. A. Koupparis, P. E. Macheras:
Automated flow injection serial dynamic dialysis technique in the study of drug binding with cyclodextrins.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 289, 87 (1994)
P. G. Veltsistas, M. I. Karayannis, M. A. Koupparis:
Potentiometric determination of p-chloranil and the kinetic study of its alkaline hydrolysis, using a chloranilate selective electrode.
Talanta, 41, 1725 (1994)
A. T. Angelakou, E. E. Sideris, G. N. Valsami, M. A. Koupparis,
P. E. Macheras:
General treatment of competitive binding as applied to potentiometric ion probe technique: Application to the interaction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with bovine serum albumin.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 83(8), 1150 (1994)
D. G. Konstantianos, P. C. Ioannou, E. Stratikos:
Simultaneous determination of naproxen and Its desmethyl metabolite in human serum by second-derivative synchronous fluorescence spectrometry.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 290, 34 (1994)
E. S. Lianidou, P. C. Ioannou, E. Sacharidou:
Second derivative synchronous scanning fluorescence spectrometry as a sensitive detection technique in immunoassays. Application to the determination of α-fetoprotein.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 290, 159 (1994)
D. G. Konstantianos, P. C. Ioannou:
Simultaneous determination of diflunisal and salicylic acid in human serum by second-derivative synchronous fluorescence spectrometry.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 1, 209 (1994)
S. A. Halvatzis, A. M. Mihalatos, L. P. Palilis, A. C. Calokerinos:
Continuous flow chemiluminometric determination of amiloride and streptomycin by oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 290, 172 (1994)
N. T. Deftereos, A. C. Calokerinos:
Flow-injection chemiluminometric analysis of steroids.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 290, 190 (1994)
I. M. Psarellis, N. T. Deftereos, E. G. Sarantonis, A. C. Calokerinos:
Flow-injection chemiluminometric determination of some bile acids.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 294, 27 (1994)
N. S. Thomaidis, E. A. Piperaki, C. E. Efstathiou:
Comparison of chemical modifiers for the determination of gold in biological fluids by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry.
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 10, 221 (1995)
L. N. Zachilas, P. C. Ioannou, C. Polydorou, C. E. Efstathiou:
Flow-injection spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of magnesium in blood serum.
Analyst, 120, 2115 (1995)
E. Diakou, P. C. Ioannou, C. Polydorou, C. E. Efstathiou:
Quenchofluorimetric determination of inorganic phosphate in blood serum.
Analyst, 120, 2613 (1995)
N. Thomaidis, E. Piperaki, P. Siskos:
Comparison of three digestion methods for the dermination of the aqua regia soluble content of lead, cadmium and chromium in sewage sludges by ETAAS.
Michrochimica Acta, 119, 233 (1995)
C. E. Efstathiou, T. P. Hadjiioannou:
Analytical and other applications of periodate ion-selective electrodes.
Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, XIV(4), 253 (1995)
M. E. Georgiou, C. A. Georgiou, M. A. Koupparis:
Flow injection gradient technique in spectrophotometric determination of formation constants of micromolecules – cyclodextrins complexes.
Analytical Chemistry, 67, 114 (1995)
P. Solich, P. Macheras, M. Koupparis:
Construction of a diflunisal ion sensor and its use in automated flow-Injection methods for assay, content uniformity and dissolution studies of formulations.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 84, 889 (1995)
D. S. Panagos, M. A. Koupparis:
Construction of an iopanoic acid ion-selective electrode and its application to pharmaceutical analysis.
Analyst, 120, 1643 (1995)
X. R. Zhang, W. R. G. Baeyens, G. Van Der Weken, A. C. Calokerinos, S. G. Schulman:
Chemiluminescence determination of tetracyclines based on the reaction with hydrogen peroxide – catalysed by the copper ion.
Analyst, 120, 463 (1995)
A. C. Calokerinos, N. T. Deftereos, W. R. G. Baeyens:
Chemiluminescence in drug assay.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 13, 1063 (1995)
D. P. Nikolelis, C. G. Siontorou:
Bilayer lipid membrane for flow injection monitoring of acetylcholine, urea and penicillin.
Analytical Chemistry, 67, 936 (1995)
D. P. Nikolelis, C. G. Siontorou, V. G. Andreou, U. J. Krull:
Stabilized bilayer lipid membranes for flow through experiments.
Electroanalysis, 7, 531 (1995)
H. A. Archontaki:
Kinetic study on the degradation of indomethacin in alkaline aqueous solutions by derivative ultraviolet slectrophotometry.
Analyst, 120, 2627 (1995)